
Hi, you can call me Roi… or Bulle or Chnucki or Robin or whatever you’d like to call me. My real name is Benny though. I spend most of my time expressing my creativity. My central tool for that is the computer im currently using to write this text. Im proficient with a lot of tools for media creation. Some of them are (in order of my proficiency):

  • Ableton Live (audio production):
    As I own a degree in audio engineering I feel pretty at home when it comes to audio production. While I am able to work with most of the popular DAWs, Ableton Live grabbed me the moment I first touched it. It’s a wonderful tool allowing me to realize my musical ideas with close to no constraints. You’ll find examples of my musical work further down in the linklist.
  • Guitar Pro 6 (guitar-tab and sheet-music editor):
    Im singing and writing for my band “FranzlaufschnellernachErkrath” since 1997. Guitar Pro is a fantastic program when it comes to arrangement and songwriting for reallife musicians. You will find some example of my compositions in the linklist.
  • Paint Shop Pro (image editing):
    Yes I know: when it comes to image editing Photoshop is the usual pricehorse. Im using Paint Shop Pro since the mid nineties and It always did the job for me. Admitted: It misses some of the more exotic features of Photoshop, but on the other hand it also provides some Photoshop doesn’t offer. Especially the art brushes lent from Corels flagship “Painter” are really worth to check out. Some examples of my work in Paint Shop are found at the linklist.
  • Unity3D (game development):
    I have to admit, that I never finished developing a game in Unity. Its a pretty big suite of tools and im still in the phase of learning and experimenting. Since C# is my go-to programming language I mostly use Unity to try out Ideas in a less sterile environment than Visual Studio. It’s a fun tool to work with and Im shure earlier or later you’ll get a chance to see some first small games I developed.
  • Visual Studio (programming):
    Im currently investing some time into studying computer science. It’s not my main priority and I could be there more often but im very interested in the matter. Im working on several projects, most prominently a level editor for the Gameboy classic Super Mario Land. This editor is very close to a first release so check back from time to time. One day it will be here.
  • Blender (3D-modeling, video editing  and many other things):
    Blender is a free (but very professional) program primarily developed for 3D-graphic creation. At first I only used it for it’s (pretty good) video editing functions. Soon i startet to get curious about it’s main functions. Blender is a huge tool to play with and I’m just starting to learn about all it’s features. I can do some decent stuff here, bit Im still slow. (But I’ll get faster.. I promise!)

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